This water audit exercise will be carried out in accordance with nationally and internationally recognized standards. Our water auditors are certified and the team has vast experience in water audits, and delivery of Water Conservation Methods in a diverse range of facilities and industries.

The water resource audit involves the following process;   

Step 1: Reconnaissance or Walk through survey  

  • Understanding of existing water sourcing, storage and distribution facility.
  • Assessing the water demand and water consumption areas/processes.
  • Preparation of detailed water circuit diagram.

Step 2: Secondary Data Collection through the Discussion with plant executives, past records,

Available technical literature/specifications  

  • Analyze historic water use and wastewater generation
  • Field measurements for estimating current water use
  • Metered & unmetered supplies.
  • understanding of “base” flow and usage trend at site
  • Past Water Bills
  • Wastewater Treatment scheme & costs etc.

Step 3: Site Water Audit Planning (based on site operations and practices)  

  • Preparation of water flow measurement plan to quantify water use at various locations
  • Wastewater flow measurement and sampling plan
  • Instruments availability like Ultrasonic Water Flow Meter, Doppler type Flow meter, Stopwatch, measuring cylinders, Power Analyzer etc. 

Step 4: Conduction of Detailed Water Audit & Measurements  

  • Conducting field measurements to Quantify water/wastewater streams
  • Power Measurement of Pumps/Motors
  • Measurement of suction & discharge pressure at various pumps
  • Wastewater sampling & analysis
  • Preparation of Water Balance Diagram
  • Establishing Water Consumption Pattern
  • Evolving value added “cost of water” at various locations
  • Detection of potential leaks & water losses in the system
  • Assessment of productive and unproductive usage of water
  • Determine key opportunities for water consumption reduction, reuse & recycle with paybacks 

Step 5: Preparation of Water Audit Report with Sustainable Water Management Plan  

  • Documentation of collected & analyzed Water Balancing and Measurement details
  • Projects and procedures to maximize water savings and minimize/eliminate water losses
  • Water Metering and Accounting System
  • Opportunities for Water Conservation based on Reduce/Recycle/Reuse/

Regeneration/Recharge options with Cost Benefit Analysis 

Step 6: Water Audit Report Finalization and Submission  

  • Incorporation of required changes based on discussions with plant executives
  • Preparation & submission of final report

Step 6: Water Audit Report Finalization and Submission  

  • Incorporation of required changes based on discussions with plant executives
  • Preparation & submission of final report